WINTER 2024/25
Indoor pool - adults
1,5 hours guest card
€ 11,00
1,5 hours normal rate
€ 13,00
4 hours guest card
€ 14,50
4 hours normal rate
€ 17,00
Day ticket guest card
€ 17,50
Day ticket normal rate
€ 20,50
Season pass
€ 210,00
Annual pass
€ 360,00
Additional payment per 0,5 hour
€ 1,20
ticket includes outdoor pool.
Indoor pool - children and teenagers
1,5 hours
€ 7,00
4 hours
€ 9,50
Day ticket
€ 11,50
Groups of 10 or more people (4 hours)
€ 8,00
Season pass
€ 115,00
Annual pass
€ 175,00
Additional payment per 0,5 hour
€ 0,80
Swimming lessons
Swimming courses for adults and children are run by the St. Johann in Tirol swimming school.
Information under +43/664/1574820 or at
Information under +43/664/1574820 or at
Aqua classes
per unit of 50 minutes
€ 5,90
Season pass
upon request
- Tuesday: 8.45 a.m. Aqua-Fun
- Wednesday: 8.45 a.m. Aqua aerobics
- Friday: 8.45 a.m. Aqua fitness
8 minutes
€ 5,00
Sauna - adults
1,5 hours guest card
€ 16,00
1,5 hours normal rate
€ 19,00
4 hours guest card
€ 20,50
4 hours normal rate
€ 24,00
Day ticket guest card
€ 25,00
Day ticket normal rate
€ 29,50
Evening ticket from 7.00 p.m.
€ 16,00
Season pass
€ 300,00
Annual pass
€ 500,00
Additional payment per 0,5 hour
€ 1,50
Sauna ticket includes indoor pool.
Sauna - children and teenagers
1,5 hours
€ 10,00
4 hours
€ 13,00
Day ticket
€ 16,00
Evening ticket from 7.00 p.m.
€ 10,00
Additional payment per 0,5 hour
€ 1,00
Sauna ticket includes indoor & outdoor pool.
Children under 12 years of age are not allowed in the sauna!
Towel / day
€ 4,00
Bathrobe / day
€ 6,00
Deposit per item / day
€ 10,00
Towel / season
€ 50,00
Towel / year
€ 80,00
Indoor tennis - adults
1/2 place guest card
€ 12,50
1/2 place normal rate
€ 14,50
per hour
Indoor tennis - children and teenagers
1/2 place
€ 9,50
per hour
Multicard / family card
20% discount € 100.00
One-time ticket fee for season, annual tickets, multicards & sports passes € 5.00
Family card
2 adults + 1 child pay regular, all other children -50%
1 adult + 2 children pay regular, all other children -50%
Valid for all single entries + season tickets for indoor swimming pool, sauna and ice skating
Children up to 6 years have free entry!
Children and teenagers (6 to 17 years old) receive reduced prices!
Children under 12 years of age are not allowed in the sauna!
Season- and annual passes are personal and non-transferable!
20% discount € 100.00
One-time ticket fee for season, annual tickets, multicards & sports passes € 5.00
Family card
2 adults + 1 child pay regular, all other children -50%
1 adult + 2 children pay regular, all other children -50%
Valid for all single entries + season tickets for indoor swimming pool, sauna and ice skating
Children up to 6 years have free entry!
Children and teenagers (6 to 17 years old) receive reduced prices!
Children under 12 years of age are not allowed in the sauna!
Season- and annual passes are personal and non-transferable!